Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Knibb High Football Rules


So, I have this problem where I'm my mother's child which means I am a worry wart. I worry so bad that sometimes it causes anxiety or panic attacks and I really hate it. A lot. A while back I googled ways to tame worry, and a lot of them worked. There was this one site about Buddhism or Shmalahalalasismssh and how one of their proverbs or way of thinking is "drive all blames to one" or something like that which basically means you make your own problems. It's my own fault I'm a worry wart because I'm just thinking the worst for no reason and need to knock it off. So in my search for how to stop being such an asshole, I came across this list of 30 things to stop doing to yourself. I also read somewhere that we as humans are pretty dumb and just like animals, we respond to positive feedback or statements instead of negative ones. So I'm going to flip my favorite ones into positive instructions so that I can come back to this and read it when I'm losing my mind. Which, unfortunately, is quite often.

1. Spend time with the right people. An old boss told me about the crabs in a bucket syndrome. Apparently, if you are a fisherman and put crabs into a bucket you don't have to worry about putting a lid on the bucket because the crabs will just pull each other down instead of working together so all of them can get out to freedom. Some people like to pull others down because they are unhappy. My life partner always tells me he wants to surround himself with people that will make him better. I think that's a good idea. Positivity can breed positivity just like negativity can poison your whole life. 

2. Deal with your problems. No matter how shitty they are and how much it may suck, ignoring your problems doesn't make them go away. Avoiding problems just makes them bigger and uglier and hairier when you finally decide to deal with them. Plus, when you deal with your problems, it makes dealing with other problems not so horrible. 

3. Be honest.  Lying does no one any good. Then you have to remember which lies you told to whom and what you said and when and that also sucks.

4. Take a chance. Sometimes we are afraid of trying something because we feel we are not ready. Yeah well if you were ready for everything that'd be kind of boring/ Also, nothing is worse than looking back and thinking "what if?" I think it's way better to try and fall short than never try at all. I always like to step back and think of absolute worse case scenario when I am afraid of trying something. If "death" is not the worse case scenario, then I've got pretty much nothing to lose.

5. Be happy for yourself. Ok, so on the original blog, this one was "Stop feeling sorry for yourself". This is a big one for me. Being a Libra, it's pretty much programmed into my code to throw myself a pity party every now and again. It's really super lame and I hate it when it happens. For example, yesterday I got in a shitty ass mood because I was sucking it up at the golf range. Then I have an internal conversation with myself: Are you kidding me right now, Michelle? Stop being such a little cry baby bitch! You live in America! You own golf clubs! People lose everything every day and you are in a bad mood because you couldn't get a god damn ball in the god damn air. Shut UP!  The moral of the story here is that whatever problem you think you have or whatever stupid ass trigger gets your panties in a bunch, there is always someone that has it worse than you. Be happy for the good things in your life.

6. Let go of hate. Again, a big one for me. I am normally a very kind and forgiving person, but I find it extremely difficult to let go of a grudge once it takes its hold on me. If I lose trust in someone it's nearly impossible for them to gain it again. But, going back to the whole "drive all blames to one" it's my fault I hate someone, and I should not let that affect my quality of life. There is nothing good that comes from hating another person. There is a quote that apparently no one knows just who said it that sums it up very nicely: "Resentment is like swallowing poison and waiting for the other person to die". Yup.

7. Let it out! Cry your eyes out every once in a while. You'll feel a lot better once the tears and snot are out.

8. Think positively! For about four or so years now, I have been using The Secret. Although I've never actually read about it and all I know is that Oprah talked about it or something, what I took away from the rumblings is that if you want something, think and speak as though it is going to happen. Lo and behold, it works. My life has drastically changed since June 5, 2009... Of course there were other things that drove to major change but honestly, saying I WILL BE HAPPY and I WILL DO THE THINGS I NEED TO FIND MY HAPPINESS really helped. A lot.

Those were my favorite 8 things on that list. You can read the full list of 30 or make up your own if you want. It's fun. The Eight World Wonders. I am not perfect. I still have panic attacks where I think the world is collapsing. I still have episodes of extreme guilt. I still let stupid things bring me down. I still get angry and hold grudges over things that really should be insignificant. I guess the fun part about being an imperfect human is that there is always room for improvement. 

K bye!

1 comment:

  1. We are a lot wonder I like you so much. LOL
